Publisher's Note

Dear MMI Readers,

Indian Machine Tool Manufacturers’ Association (IMTMA) is glad to publish the January - February edition of its Modern Manufacturing India (MMI) magazine, many thanks to readers for their continued interest and support.

Business sentiments have been strengthened with encouraging orders and sales in recent months. Aided by government policies, industries are actively pursuing opportunities in newer segments.

MMI, with its rigorous research and analysis, endeavors to bring to the readers the latest information from the manufacturing world to their table. This month’s edition focuses on factory automation. The opinion piece by IMTMA will help understand the need for automation for garnering favourable returns.

As we continue to share inspirational stories from the industry, we also reach out to you for your feedback and comments to make MMI more insightful and interesting. This will help us understand your requirements and enable us to meet your expectations.

I thank you once again for your interest in the activities of IMTMA. You can download previous issues of MMI from the IMTMA website.

V Anbu
Director General & CEO
Indian Machine Tool
Manufacturers’ Association

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