OPEN MIND Offers Integrated Software Solution for CNC Manufacturing

hyperMILL® Optimizer module automatically generates the best possible traverse paths between operations

Wessling, Germany – OPEN MIND Technologies AG bridges the gap between CAM systems and physical machine environment with its hyperMILL® VIRTUAL Machining solution, an integrated all-in-one system that eliminates the need for multiple software solutions. It maps all steps virtually, thus giving manufacturers absolute control over the machining process. This includes programming, NC code generation and optimization, NC code simulation, and machine networking.

The development of a safe simulation solution at OPEN MIND begins long before the NC code. The CAD/CAM developer uses in-house innovative solutions to create an integrated system that includes NC code generation and simulation. The generated NC code is thoroughly tested, considering the limitations of the machine. It is guaranteed to work on the machines in question. The NC code simulation has access to all process-relevant data, providing unrivaled accuracy and safety.

Maximum safety: Precisely simulate and analyze machining operations

OPEN MIND has included three modules in hyperMILL® VIRTUAL Machining to help the user merge the virtual and real worlds. Real-world machining situations are virtually mapped for the machine and controller in the Center module. The NC code is then used to simulate them. The CONNECTED Machining module allows for extensive networking and machine synchronization. The simulation software, for instance, can detect deviations in the origin or tool positions.

The Optimizer module provides powerful optimization algorithms for multi-axis machining efficiency. It also finds the best solution for top machining results automatically. Users can also write CAM programs for portal milling machines in the same way that they do for 5-axis milling centers. Rewinds required by rotary and linear axis limits, as well as collision control based on the machine’s digital twin, are automatically added by the Optimizer. Between two machining steps with the same tool, this eliminates unnecessary retract movements to safety positions. 2D and 3D machining steps are transformed into smooth movements when jobs are combined with the same tool (linking). The Optimizer can also tell the difference between roughing and finishing operations.

Intelligent component alignment in CAM in real-time using hyperMILL® BEST FIT is another tool for ensuring greater machining efficiency and cost-effectiveness. 3D probing is used on the machine to probe the unaligned part, and the probing points are sent back to the CAM system as a measurement log. The NC code is then precisely adjusted to the actual part position by hyperMILL® BEST FIT. The adapted NC code is then simulated on the actual clamping setup in the virtual machine and optimized automatically. A final verification measurement is taken by the machine operator to ensure safe and accurate machining. The machine operator performs a final verification measurement to ensure safe and accurate machining. The user can then begin machining without having to first align the part on the machine. Significant time savings, safe machining, and well-planned processes are among the benefits.

Image Source: OPEN MIND Technologies AG



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