
Electric Vehicles: Seeing the Big Picture

Powering the electric vehicle segment will need concerted effort from all stakeholders to make it truly safe, secure and sustainable.


A look at how Industry 4.0 technologies can boost production by increasing the efficiency of manufacturing, and how digitalization is revolutionizing the metal cutting industry…

Liquid Engineering at Work

A coolant’s function does not just stop at protecting an engine from heat and cold. It performs a wide range of critical functions, making its selection and maintenance of high significance.


Realizing the strategic importance of sectors such as defence, aerospace, space, and aviation, the Government of India has earmarked them for growth. The development in each of these domains gets percolated to other sectors and impacts the overall growth of technology and economy of the country, also providing significant opportunities for the Indian machine tool industry.

Tiny Changes, Big Impact

Leaks are notorious for causing major operating losses including energy wastage in an industrial compressed air system. Here are some sustainable actions that can be taken to address them…

Reaching for the Sky

Space data company Pixxel is a result of a strong desire to explore what’s beyond our planet. The founders shared love for space and space technology has shaped many an innovation that aims at bringing a lasting impact in areas like agriculture and pollution monitoring.

The True Measure of Success

Mikronix Gauges Pvt Ltd (MGPL) has long discovered that true success lies in gauging the customers’ demands much ahead of time and catering to them innovatively. Keeping its customers first is its mantra that has assured that the company steadfastly stays on the path of progress.

Evaluating Pandemic Measures

Industry experts share their views on the on-going second wave of Coronavirus’ impact on India’s growth momentum and economic recovery, and how much of a deterrent are the lockdowns and curbs on the manufacturing activities to the ease of doing business…

Doing the Right Thing

Seco Tools has been making a strong contribution to the circular economy and has set an ambitious target that will hugely favor the environment along with the company’s business.

Grooming Engineers of Tomorrow

Umesh Pai, Managing Director, EPLAN India, offers an insight into the company’s endeavor to bridge the ever-growing gap between the industry and the academia...

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